Hi! Welcome to "I love … LOVE," a platform for all things that foster LOVE in this world. One thing this world is definitely short on is LOVE, like real LOVE. Romantic LOVE. Friendship LOVE. Food LOVE. Body LOVE. World LOVE. This space is for that, and those, and all kinds of LOVE.
LOVE may not be what we think, sometimes. LOVE sometimes is buried deep within a situation, a situation which may not seem loving at all. LOVE may be hard to grasp at times, especially when emotions, thoughts, and actions surround it. But there are some things that are always true about LOVE.
LOVE is …
always countercultural, because culture naturally wants apathy
always wins, because it has already proven so throughout all of history
always present, because it is the one thing we all share throughout time, culture, and identity.
If we stick to these things then LOVE is never scarce and we can begin to live lives where we recognize how we participate in the flow of LOVE every minute, of every day of our lives.
This is what this space is for: LOVE in all it's forms being shared and discussed amongst people. So spot it, relish in it, participate in it, and stay tuned because LOVE may not show up where you think …